Pandorum Collective
Tag: [514] Web: Official website Fans: 7 Created: 2011-10-25

Platoon Presentation

Clan Rules:

1. Members are to be honest, open and reasonable with other clan members.

We are not cheaters, scammers or liars. Our word is guaranteed and trustworthy. We mean what we say and members in and outside of the clan should have no doubt that this is the case. Our members should ensure that their actions do not in anyway cause our integrity to be questioned.

2. Members are to treat other clan members in and outside of the clan with respect.

It is expected that all of our members are to treat other clans with respect and consideration at all times. Personal insults, smack talk, abuse, racist remarks and any other actions deemed to be offensive or inappropriate will not be tolerated. unless initiated by other clan. This rule also extends to other in game activities such as spawn camping, suicide spawn camping, any other form of griefing.

3. 5. Members are expected to balance their needs with the needs of the Platoon.

Every veteran player knows that when you first start out life can be confusing and difficult at the best of times. Our clan prides itself in being able to provide support, advice and experience to its new players. Every member in the Platoon should be prepared to devote some of their time or expertise to help other players and the platoon as a whole to grow. There is no compulsory aspect to this code and it is up to each player to find the right balance. Remember that the platoon is much stronger as a team rather than a collection of individuals. Also remember that what goes around comes around, one day you might need help from other clan players.

*plz note:
1. change ur tagz
2. fan platoon
3. invite good players and those whom can be molded into great players.

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