Funkwagen Broadcasting
Tag: [FuBr] Web: Official website Fans: 14 Created: 2011-11-03

Platoon Presentation


1. The Lead Broadcaster, the Ranger Elite Corps and a select group of Legion Rangers constitute the Primary Tier, which is the official ruling body of FuBr.

2. The Voice of the Lead Broadcaster cannot be denied. His/her every word is gospel, every command granted merit by his/her proven skill on the Battlefield. To reject the word of the Lead Broadcaster is sacrilege. To contest his/her word must be done with the backing of other Funkwagen Broadcasting members, sufficient so as to equate or exceed the merit of the Lead Broadcaster.

3. In times when the Lead Broadcaster is incapacitated or otherwise unable to lead, the mandate of the Primary Tier may be dissolved and replaced by a temporary regime of a Triumvirate: three Ranger Elite members of the highest merit, as either dictated by the Lead Broadcaster, or elected by the members of the Ranger Elite. Each Triumvir’s voice holds merit equal to his/her Triumvir peers. Once the Lead Broadcaster returns to a leading capacity, the Triumvirate will be immediately dissolved, and the standard funkocracy will be restored.

4. Only members of the Primary Tier are permitted to challenge the Lead Broadcaster for leadership rights. A rejection of this challenge will be considered a forfeit on behalf of the Lead Broadcaster, and he/she will be immediately stripped of rank and banished to the Northern Wastes (aka Outskirt) indefinitely for unduly cowardice; the challenger will immediately take over as Lead Broadcaster. Once issued, a challenge cannot be withdrawn. Should the challenger be defeated, he/she will be bound, gagged, adorned with the most delectable sweetmeats, and carted off towards Harpy territory. Challenges cannot be issued whilst the Lead Broadcaster is in any way unfit for combat, as deemed by a council of medical experts.

5. Funkocracy shares many similarities with a meritocracy, with the actual skills of the individual dictating their status. However, notable differences would include the restriction of leadership roles amongst various ranks, regardless of personal skill levels. Developing personal skills is strongly encouraged, so long as it is purely to the benefit of FuBr as a whole, and not merely as a means to gain influence.

6. Should the Lead Broadcaster (miraculously) fall in combat, an immediate cull of the Primary Tier will occur, carried out by the Eleptis Kyoukan, for their failure of duty to protect the Lead Broadcaster. A cull will also be initiated should the Lead Broadcaster be allowed to die of natural causes, thereby proving the current Primary Tier unforgivably craven. Should the Primary Tier be eliminated, the power vacuum will result in a desperate leadership struggle amongst the lower classes, during which, the greatest warrior will naturally emerge to take the place of the Lead Broadcaster. If the Primary Tier actually manages to annihilate the Kyoukan, they have thus proven their worth, and a new Lead Broadcaster will be elected amongst the survivors. The Nourkovi Kyoukan act as a safeguard against any misconduct concerning the transition of power.


Ensign – An unofficial title for individuals undergoing the recruitment process.

Operator – Basic foot soldier with limited FuBr entitlements. Requires at least one low-grade combat specialisation.

Squad Leader – Limited command capacity, may only command groups below or equal to squad size (4 or under).

Operator Legionnaire – Skilled fighter without command rights. Reports exclusively to a Legion Ranger and the Lead Broadcaster.

Specialist Legionnaire – A fighter with specialist skillsets; may be attached to a standard squad led by a Squad Leader.

Legion Ranger – In direct command of Operator Legionnaires and Specialist Legionnaires. Legion Rangers have a limited presence in the Primary Tier.

Ranger Elite – An expert detachment of Rangers with combat specialisations across most or all fields. Reports directly to the Lead Broadcaster. The Ranger Elite Corps is a body in the Primary Tier. Ranger Elite members technically have no leadership capacity, though their reputation provides them with significant influence in standard command affairs.

Lead Broadcaster – The greatest warrior by weight of merit, the Lead Broadcaster oversees all unit operations. Though the Lead Broadcaster is somewhat a dictator, the position holds many perils, both internal and external. The Lead Broadcaster’s presence is required at all major military operations; as such, he/she will often be directly involved in field combat.

Ranger Kyoukan – A complete Black-Out unit, the Kyoukan are conditioned from birth to be unwaveringly loyal to the Lead Broadcaster. Kyoukan possess no official military credentials, and as such, they have no leadership rights within FuBr; however, their combat skills are equal to, if not greater than those of the Ranger Elite Corp, and arguably, even the Lead Broadcaster him/herself. Kyoukan have been known to be instrumental in many Primary Tier culls in dire times past. The identities of Kyoukan are known only by the Lead Broadcaster and their devoted trainers. There are two sects of Kyoukan, the first being the Eleptis Kyoukan, whose primary purpose is the culling of the Primary Tier, the second being the Nourkovi Kyoukan, who ensure that a transition of power will occur as dictated by the manifesto.

Praise be to the Lead Broadcaster. Transmit his message of peace and understanding to the ignorant world.

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