Army of The Fallen
Tag: [AoTF] Fans: 7 Created: 2012-06-18

Platoon Presentation

This clan is not like any other, being in this clan is your decision, don't let others influence that decision. You don't have to meet someone elses standards or allow them to decide your role on the Battlefield. Your stats should only matter to you. It's about having fun playing the game. But, winning does take communication, coordination and cooperation within the team to obtain and hold your objectives. Just try to be respectful to your fellow clan members, their friends and other gamers. And remember, when you join a clan you not only represent the clan and what it stands for but, you also represent everyone else in that clan. Represent properly. Be cautious of the things you say and how you say them. If you do or say anything inappropriate you will be warned. If you continue to carry on in the same manner you will be kicked out of Devil Dogs Unleashed. So be a positive influence and role model to others. Oh yeah, and real snipers pride themselves on taking headshot kills from the longest distance possible.

As I have already said, we do not have the money for fancy smancy servers or websites. If you did not like it, your not gonna be in this clan. We can't always play with everyone at the same time, so play with your fellow clan members until you are able to join the leaders and founder. Do not break any of the rules or this will happen:
1) You will be warned about your actions
2) You will then face the consequences and be terminated from the clan.
You will get along with the rest of the members.
But other than that, this is a great clan and it has some great members.
(P.S.: If you here us fighting or something that sounds like it, we're just having a good time playing the game or complaining about the crap that happens during the game.)

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