Tag: [APEX] Fans: 14 Created: 2013-08-26

Platoon Presentation

We play casually now. We used to play competitively before BF4 came out. Feel free to apply to the clan and jump in some BF3 games with us on a regular basis!

We do still scrim against other clans so if any one is interested in having a game, message BlueBamf1028, RealWastelander or HECTIKMANZ on Battlelog or the XBOX to set up a scrim.

Age: 16+
1.5+ kd
SPM 400+
Be able to speak English and have a mic to communicate
Wear the clan tag at all times
Respect everyone.

If you're under the stats requirement just a little, it's not a big deal, we all have room for improvement and working with us will help you to get better.

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