Bravado Gaming
Chapa: [bvd] Web: Sitio web oficial Fans: 151 Creado: 15-01-2012

Presentación de pelotón

Bravado Gaming is South Africa’s premier e-sports organisation comprising currently of a Counter-Strike, Call of Duty 4, Starcraft 2, Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3 and Quake Live team, all of which are very highly ranked in the country. Bravado Gaming serves home to some of the best competitive gamers in South Africa while simultaneously striving to lead the growth and development of the competitive e-sports scene in South Africa.

Battlefield 3
South African National Team
1st - Do Gaming summer Leg (2012)
1st - Do Gaming winter Leg (2012)
1st - Do Gaming championships (2012)
1st - Do Gaming rAge championships (2012)
Top 8 - ClanBase NationsCup XVI (2013)
1st - Do Gaming summer Leg (2013)
1st - Do Gaming winter Leg (2013)
1st - Do Gaming Championships (2013)

Información de pelotón

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