Inɟınıʇǝ Ĕxɔǝllǝnɔǝ ™
Chapa: [iX] Web: Sitio web oficial Fans: 51 Creado: 07-06-2013

Presentación de pelotón

*********************Platoon no longer active as everyone moved to BF4 on PS4*********************

Recruitment *****Closed*****

iX is currently in transition and forming a competitive team striving for a strong clan based on teamwork and excellence.

We're all waiting for ps4 release and private servers, once these are available a lot of prac sessions will be held and this will be mandatory for players to attend. There will be alot happening .. More info will be announced soon ..

At the moment everyone's trying to learn to ropes of bf4 .. So get good because the whole team is on trial and only the selected will be invited to the new bf4 platoon page..
We'll be selecting the players who aren't just good at the game but also shows determination and that will fit the clan. ( No hard feelings if your not selected and feel free to apply again in future , but everyone wants a good team )
Another note , tag up if you haven't alrdy , shows dedication and representt !

Just a reminder that being in iX , iX must be your only platoon... ( fan/ social clubs are accepted )

*****A message to people who apply - We like to trial all who apply. So add all the leaders on PSN. Make an effort to join games they play because we are not going to come behind you to see how good you are. If you are joining the platoon to be a infantry player play as infantry when you play with us, not jump in a vehicle and go around. Same goes for vehicle players, if you want to join to as a vehicle player play on that vehicle to show us your skills. And like I said before, make an effort to join our games and squad up with us.******

Información de pelotón

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