Plaque: [0nyz] Web: Site officiel Fans: 12 Créé: 06-12-2011

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OnlySkills Founded by BeastlyBoy77 In 2006. In 2008 he gave up on playstation never had the time and so loversboy1977 took the ownership we had over 4,000 members in combat arms and were one of the best clans out there. And then we took on PS3 and XBOX360. We take people with 600 SPM Lowest is 540 and 3.00 KDR Lowest is 1.90 Any rank (Rank Major and up).
We clan war every 4 weeks! You must be active to join!
Also check out our youtube
Loversboy1977 YouTube
and dont forget to subscribe!
Also check out our many website for the shop and other cool stuff includeing giveaways!

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