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True Knights of Olethros known formally as The Knights of Olethros est. in 2011. Started out with three friends from distant parts of the U.S. coming together to start a revolution. The group grew larger as one by one new members joined then VENM and became as one on the battlefield. This strong bond between those founding leaders wanted something more, something pure and true. Thus the creation of TKO, The Knights of Olethros was born. Along side one another the Knights fought with honor and pride, opposing any who stood in the way. For the time was great in the group, new friendships rose, and unions between members still to this day remain unmatched. With passing time, real life events took seniority over the Knights. Things started to slow down and the all out war had come to an end. Some members departed to venture down a new path, while others stayed behind to hold the shield. Even with some Knights branching on, to grow new limbs, they all stay true to the Knights. Roots are deep with TKO blood, and with this the True Knights of Olethros will always stand strong. Once a Knight, always a Knight of Olethros.
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