Autem Victoriae Idiota
Présentation de la section
Intended Platoon name -->"Autem Victoriae Idiotae" - Victory by idiots
Actual Platoon name--> "Autem Victoriae Idiota" - Victory by Booby
Fate has dealt us a kind hand.
Platoon Leaderboard --> http://bf3stats.com/leaderboard/0oIsYLcDw172iyymLY
Semi-serious, all-fun.
Platoon for European players or players falling in that timezone/ play often in our timezone.
Only requirements: Being a competent player, an active player, but most importantly a player we can all get along with.
Always buy your tryhard-panties in at least 1 size bigger than normal. Don't forget to set your modpad to "kill" mode.
Motivational: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpye3scamjs
Potential new members:
Search for our servers: " [AVi]" or "AVi Conquest Server"
Time converter: UK = GMT + 1 SA/Majority of EU = GMT + 2
As always, this is just a guideline guys. We will organise ourselves on the night for final teams.
Actual Platoon name--> "Autem Victoriae Idiota" - Victory by Booby
Fate has dealt us a kind hand.
Platoon Leaderboard --> http://bf3stats.com/leaderboard/0oIsYLcDw172iyymLY
Semi-serious, all-fun.
Platoon for European players or players falling in that timezone/ play often in our timezone.
Only requirements: Being a competent player, an active player, but most importantly a player we can all get along with.
Always buy your tryhard-panties in at least 1 size bigger than normal. Don't forget to set your modpad to "kill" mode.
Motivational: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpye3scamjs
Potential new members:
Search for our servers: " [AVi]" or "AVi Conquest Server"
Time converter: UK = GMT + 1 SA/Majority of EU = GMT + 2
As always, this is just a guideline guys. We will organise ourselves on the night for final teams.
Feed section
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