Accuracy Company
Contrassegno: [AxD] Web: Sito web ufficiale Fan: 13 Creato: 13-01-2012

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Hi,this is a platoon of Battlefield veterans,but to join,you have to complete these requirements:Must be higher than rank 30,Must have spent more than 40 hours online,Must have killed more than 2,000 enemies,Must make a score more than 300 in a minute,Must have at least earned service star 1 on one kit,Must make more than 50 kills with following weapon types:Assault Rifle,Carbine,Light machine gun,Sniper Rifle,Personal defence weapon and a Shotgun.And that is all you have to do.

There is an other way to join this platoon,you have to be a good friend of assassin51590(psn:tomorr-prime1998).

And if you don't have the requirements,you can still join,but you need to play a online match with me,assassin51590 to prove your skills,if you are not good enough i'll kick you out.

And if you are a member you need to add the founder as a friend:Founder:Assassin51590(psn:tomorr-prime1998)

And guys,try to stay oline as much as possible for more platoon information.

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