Real Gaming Cartel
タグ: [RGC] ウェブ: 公式ウェブサイト ファン: 57 作成済み: 2011-10-28


This site was originally created and launched on 31st August 2011 as a means to explore and get involved in fun competitive gaming online with regards to Battlefield 3, as well as other popular games like Call of Duty, Halo or any non FPS type games too.

Since that time we have enjoyed competitive games and continue to do so, and are currently building a large team for playing BF3 competitively, but during our first year R.G.C has become so much more than just a place for fans of Battlefield to enjoy and staff have worked hard to promote and expand the site as a home for everything gaming and entertainment related that we and our members want, and we will continue to do so.

Real Gaming Cartel isn’t a highly competitive or hostile gaming Clan, but we are hardcore gamers with a real passion for great games and it's members are a great bunch of people who enjoy gaming together. Being mature gamers we look to avoid all of the negative aspects usually associated with Clan play and online Communities so we don't tolerate ego’s or lack of respect for any member either on the forums or in game! By enforcing these qualities it will provide as many people as possible with a much more enjoyable experience which is why we are all here, to have fun!

We continually look to grow and expand the web site, forums and teams to meet requirements as we go, and we hope you all enjoy being a part of RGC as we enjoy gaming with like minded individuals and share those experiences, build teams, practice and play matches for those interested in competitive play, and ultimately enjoy all of the positive aspects of a gaming clan without any negative issues damaging this experience for anyone.

Due to the goals outlined above age is restricted to a minimum of 21 for members (some exceptions)

Real Gaming Cartel is simply about great games, great people and fun. If you would like to become a member please read our conditions and feel free to submit an application if you think you would like to become a member.

