タグ: [OPIN] ファン: 58 作成済み: 2011-11-17


Welcome to Operation Incision

About us
We are a diverse, close knit community looking for more members that are open minded, reliable, and willing to communicate with others. We look to incorporate proven tactics for success out on the battlefield. We will constantly learn from each other and evolve as a unit because of this, therefore stand up and be accounted for.

Clan Tags: Wear them with OPIN PRIDE

[OPIN] Reserved for dedicated members

Platoon - CLIQUE: is for serious competitors only! Active Members, in BL feeds, on website, In-game working as a unit. Casual gamers stay in OPIN. If you know you don't meet these simple requirements then get your sh!t together.

* As a competitive member, you must attend practice once every week. Competitive members have 1st dibs on clan matches as well as admin privileges on our Battlefield Server. In order to remain classified as a dedicated member, you must be active on forums, BL, in-game activity, able to use Team-Speak regularly and introduce yourself to the rest of the squad. We will stay an active competitive unit. This will be accomplished by a minimum of 1-2 Clan matches or scrims each week. 1- wkday schedule, and 1-wkend schedule.

*Active OPIN members can "request" to leadership for acceptance to CLIQUE. Don't waste our time and we won't waste yours.

Clan Meetings (Practice)
During these sessions, we will..

- discuss topics ranging from weapon loadouts to infantry tactics.
- name particular areas on maps, to maintain efficiency on 'coms' and versatility out on the field.
- invent and than execute particular drills designed to sharpen our rifleman skills and refine habits that we carry out onto the battlefield.
- design entire operations.
- evaluate our strengths and weaknesses as a unit.
- scrimmage.
- (most importantly) enjoy ourselves.

* It is not mandatory to participate in these discussions or battle drills, however if you wish to enter the competitive arena, you are urged to attend these sessions.

Clan Meetings:
Saturday: 2PM EST, 8PM CET
Sunday: 12PM EST, 6PM CET

Our Leadership Body is made up of quality players. We look to encourage others with the following attributes: dedication, initiative, pride, reliability, rationality, relentlessness, confidence, flexibility, good conduct & communication; on and off the battlefield.

1. PS3 Mic/Headset, TeamSpeak
2. Teamwork
3. Play the Objective
4. Common Sense


If you would like to try out for our competitive division, feel free to message one of our leaders.

We have players from the States, UK, Ireland, Denmark, & Switzerland.

Semper Fidelis

