Mics In Action
タグ: [MIA] ウェブ: 公式ウェブサイト ファン: 56 作成済み: 2011-12-01


We are a laid back platoon that enjoys not just Battlefield 3 but also
having a laugh.
We have English speaking players from both sides of the globe all
good soldiers with good communication and most of all sense of
humour .
"I'll have your dog tags old bean"
Requirements to join Mics In Action:

●A headset with a mic is a must (this is what this platoon is about)
●Over 18's (although exceptions can be made)
●Love for the Battlefield 3 game
●Racism will not be tolerated in the platoon (Take it somewhere else)
●No trolling, we believe the game should be played the way is was
meant to be played and everyone has the right to enjoy it
Q: I see that a lot of your platoon have the tag MIA do I need to use it
as I am in another platoon that needs me to keep mine at all times.
A: It is completely up to the player, this is a laid back platoon and we
don’t expect any of our members to put their lives on hold for the platoon.

Q: I am not in the UK or US but my English is very good, is this a
UK/US platoon only?
A: Everyone is welcome, but having a good knowledge of the English
language is much needed.

Q: When do you hold try-outs?
A: We don’t hold try outs as such, we’ll play a game and if we feel you
fit in than you get in, as easy as that.

Q: I am under 18 is there any way I can join?
A: If we feel you fit in with the banter/humour then there shouldn’t be
any problems.
Thank you for reading.
If you would like to join click the apply button above.

Hope to see you on the field.

(It would be wise to add all members to your battlelog friends list when
accepted into MIA)

MIA Streams and Youtube



