76th Spartan Elite
タグ: [76SE] ウェブ: 公式ウェブサイト ファン: 44 作成済み: 2012-06-10


"Spartans the elite warrior reborn for the modern battlefield"
This platoon is set up for members of the 76th Spartan division,187th Death squad,82nd forces(not including the academy) who show great talent on the battlefield whether it be communication, game play, or comrade you may only enter this platoon by meeting our requirements or by being nominated by a fellow elite member, or you are invited directly by me the founder or one of our members
All members of the 76th in this elite platoon please change youre tags to 76SE if youre from our allies you can keep youre tags but its always welcome to see more 76SE
our Allies
76th Spartan Division
187th Death Squad(Masdeath)
82nd forces(Mentallybroke)
Seal Team6(Hevyhitr)
inFaMoUs iLL(sandmannbk)
If you would like to join the Elites show an elite member some potential and you just might get an invite

unless ur from one of our alllie platoons and invited directly these are the requirements to join the elite division

-current member of the 76th spartan division
Requirements for elite division:
-must have played with one of the leaders or me the founder(note:its easier to play with a leader)
-talent in playing with all kits(this will be deterimined by leaders)
-talent in any vehicle(ability to keep it functional&a major asset)
-Ability to lead a squad tacticly and intelligently
-ability to follow orders and not break off
-"click" with other teamates(make friends well and think alike and have the ability to adapt to eachothers playstyles)
-Highly aggressive
-great communication skill
-the drive to win the match
-knowlegde of all bf3 maps and dlc maps
-PTFO always
-skilled in all bf3 & dlc maps vehicles should not be problem or a nusance to you
"these standards may seem high but it ensures awesome team work,tactical apprehension,& focus because our elite division is where we strive for endorsments,sponsorships,and compettitve matches
WE also highlight our spartans who have made this team a powerful force by honoring them with the title of WARFIGHTER of the month heres how it works
-i will pick 3 members based on Contribution to the team, Skill, Attitude, comradre toward others,enjoyment of having them as a fireteam buddy and you guys will vote on who u think deserves it

"we all have the warrior spirit giving that up is the same as surrendering never surrender spartans"

"most of all remember its a video game have fun and enjoy but still give the opposition a tough fight"

