Next Extreme Team
タグ: [NxT] ファン: 13 作成済み: 2013-04-10


What it means to be NxT

1- You will PTO

2- You will stay OUT of enemy deployment


4- Team Talk

Some suggestions/Requirements for the 4 kits

ASSAULT- PTO - Before you revive try and clear the area first. Keep an eye on the mini map for people asking for health.

ENGINEER- PTO - Dont just wait in the open fields waiting to take care of choppers, you can do the same thing from the objective.

SUPPORT- PTO - Give ammo, drop it every time you and your teammates stop. Get those Tanks.

RECON- PTO - If you want to sit a million miles away from the objectives then please put your beacon down some where close to an objective, and YOU take the long walk back to your camp site. Please spot everything you can. If you want to keep your spawn beacon with you then create a new squad so some one else can take your spot. If you choose to play the objective, bring your T UGS.

ALL PILOTS- PTO - if you see our team losing all the flags please come and play the ground, if we stay out of the air they have no one to take down, and with extra engineers on the ground they don't stand a chance. Don't wait for a vehicle, you can see if the vehicles are re-spawned before you go to our deployment if they are gone then spawn on a member

ALL DRIVERS- PTO - Dont wait for tank re-spawn, it maybe easier to play in a tank, but we could easily play a round without even using one tank, with all of us on the ground they don't stand a chance when we have 3-4 engineers with RPGs or repair torch and 3-4 Support with C-4.

We know its just a game, but losing is not fun. When you play as a team you get more kills more points. Losing is fun when we all get a lot of points/kills by playing as a team. If you feel you cant or don't want to follow any of our rules then please don't wear NxT tag.


