ReBeLz aT WaR
Tag: [RaW] Fani: 29 Stworzono: 01.11.2011

Prezentacja plutonu

Founding Fathers Brooklyn_RaW and SonnyD_RaW. First Leaders and Members of RaW Grundy_RaW, Melo2NasTi_RaW and Killimo_RaW. DirtyMic_RaW NorthEastRip_RaW Firestorm_RaW, Brower_RaW, Stick_RaW, AceZeca_RaW, Boston_RaW, NYPOPE_RaW . If I am missing anyone from the first 12 sorry give me a friendly reminder, thanks. If you where a part of RaW on BFMC 2, BC or BC2... Introduce the name and who you rep. know. Show Respect and Love. If you are added and do not follow criteria you will be removed . sorry no hard feelings

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