Anti Javelin Squad
Tag: [JAV] Fani: 22 Stworzono: 27.02.2012

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This platoon is a protest of the Javelin, and any future Battlefield weapons that do not require aiming, leading, or arcing shots into their targets. Perhaps heat seekers are an absolute necessity vs aircraft until a more elegant AA weapon can be designed, but against ground vehicles, Battlefield should stick to it's roots, and eliminate guided weaponry. Weapons requiring aiming or personal peril should always be more potent that weapons that do not. Please "fan" this platoon if you agree.

Original Anti-Javelin Rant from March 2012:
If the March patch makes Javelins stronger, with quicker lock on times, higher damage to ground vehicles to both designated targets, and non-designated targets, then this platoon's goal will be to demonstrate (exploit?) the Javelin's absurd potency on all of the popular 64 player "Conquest Large" servers until the servers implement a script to ban the weapon from use. (Just like popular Metro Conquest servers ban the M320 and RPGs)

If you would like to join the effort, then you should become a "fan" of this platoon and you will be invited to participate after the patch is released. You can also click "apply to join", but this platoon will not be used until the Javelin is made more absurd than it currently is.

Here are the confirmed changes coming in the March Patch:
-Increased the damage of the Javelin and Air to Ground missiles against laser designated targets.
-Javelin missiles fired without Laser targeting now do more damage to the side and rear of MBTs.
-Slightly reduced the locking time of all weapons vs Laser Designated targets.

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