23rd Marine Battalion
Tag: [USMC] Fani: 3 Stworzono: 27.05.2012

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The 23rd Marines Battalion is a Mil/Slim Clan. We are highly organized. We are a clan that is based of the military we don't joke around during battles or clan against clan activities or practices. We do have fun by have set up scenarios such as a remake of "Blackhawk down ". We have some military active member. This clan was created by reconmarine33 for one reason only. To create a military environment In bf3 to have a more realistic effect.

23rd Marines Battalion 1st Platoon
-SGT PettiBone
-Wan Pim Fu
-Dr Flagella
-Fallen Marinez
-ND corperal
-Fallen Firnz
-tritchy ninja

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