BF3 Tournaments
Tag: [bf3] Sieć: Strona oficjalna Fani: 3 Stworzono: 04.08.2012

Prezentacja plutonu

We host Battlefield 3 tournaments on the Xbox 360 platform currently. Please message wcwisecuban on xbox live to register for a tournament.

Currently, we have these avaliable slots:
12v12 rush/ conquest
8v8 rush/conquest
4v4 squad rush

you can also ask to play Hardcore or Normal.

When we get enough teams registered in the platoon, then we will start the first tourny.

We can have either paid tournaments, where if you win, you get prizes, but you have to pay to enter, or a free tournament just for bragging rights.

1 representative from any platoon can join. Thank you.

when you join, leave your gamertag and team name in the platoon feed so that i can document it.

Please go onto the Official Website and register your team by going to the Contact Us heading and send me your team name and a roster.

Informacje z plutonu

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