Couch Potato [GAM]ers
Tag: [GAM] Sieć: Strona oficjalna Fani: 167 Stworzono: 23.02.2012

Prezentacja plutonu

We are a casual group of gamers who enjoy the escape from life that gaming allows us to have. While we all may have families, work, chores, school, or any other "real-life" obligations we understand that gaming can be that outlet you may need. With that in mind we developed Couch Potato Gamers. We are gamers that do not have time to develop an amazing KDR or have mandatory practices where we teach what barrels to camp behind. We are real gamers.....people that want to have fun and play games with people that think like us. We use tactics, we use teamwork...we also play while kids are asking us to do things, we never take things too serious. We tell bad jokes, we die alot (or at least I do), we are not online 24/7 and no one here is in MLG or will pretend to be. We are all adults and treat each other with the respect that comes with being an adult. If any part of this sounds like what you want then welcome aboard please go here --->

[GAM]e On!

ER-HanShotFirst, ER-QueenT8R, Skirock72, ER-Blair, xxMemphis and Ahmez

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