House Of Teamwork
Tag: [HOT] Fani: 6 Stworzono: 13.01.2016

Prezentacja plutonu

Hi Soldier,

This platoon is made for people that like TEAMWORK.
The mean of this platoon is:
Working together in a team with voice comminication.
Playing together on a random server in a team.
competitive matches

If you gonna play with guys that are in this platoon and you go play if you have a date let it know in this platoon so other players can join if they want.

About competitive matches we will discuss!!!

There are no obligations for playing

1. Teamwork (Without teamwork we are nothing)
2. Teamspeak 3 (comminication is important)
3. English/German is the main language (you can speak one of these / both languages well)
4. Repect

Wenn people dont accept these rules going to be kicked!!

(For people that more interesting in a platoon for just teamwork watch our Pc Game Crew platoon)

Informacje z plutonu

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