Pernix_Pugnax CLAN
Platoon Presentation
The Pernix Pugnax Clan (pp) was founded back in January 2010 by chilli169 (aka. pernix_pugnax-07), Wiesel56 (aka. pernix_pugnax-56), cris1879 (he manages our homepage) and Tex1879. I (boyfromessen90) joined the clan just a few days later and became leader in summer 2010. I was leader until October 1st 2013, when I gave my leadership to the dutch community of the clan. We recruited members from all over the world and became a decent clan in Battlefield Bad Company 2. After that we took the step towards Battlefield 3. Our "clan language" is English and we play a lot of competitive clanmatches against good clans from all over the world.
At this moment we are preparing for Battlefield 4 and keep Pernix_Pugnax Clan competing against the best teams.
Clan Dictator ( INACTIVE ) : boyfromessen90 (battlelog: girlfromessen90 )
Head Leader : Jeicey (battlelog: Jeiceyfromessen)
Leader : SoraXXS (battlelog : Sorafromessen90)
Leader : lBLACKM1LL (battlelog : BM1LL)
Leader : Arnie (battlelog: Arnoudthes)
Leader : iKinGsizE (battlelog: xFlawles5x)
Recruitment is on invite only.
Official recruiters:
SoraXXS (battlelog : Sorafromessen90)
iKinGsizE (battlelog: xFlawles5x)
If you are interested in our clan and wanna see some more of us make sure to visit our homepage:
Fraggednation.com Teamlink:
We officially stopped playing Battlefield 3 competitive
We will be back in Battlefield 4.
One Official (pp) member is not signed up on battlelog:
- marco_muppet24
(pp) Pernix_Pugnax CLAN youtube channel:
- http://www.youtube.com/user/PernixPugnaxCW
Youtube channels from members:
- http://www.youtube.com/user/Boyfromessen90
- http://www.youtube.com/user/Frozen577
- http://www.youtube.com/user/xXBadDutySV98Xx
- http://www.youtube.com/user/bossak007
- http://www.youtube.com/user/killerunknown1
- http://www.youtube.com/user/arnie345Games
- http://www.youtube.com/user/MaestroFromMars
- http://www.youtube.com/user/Cycl0n3r
- Fraggednation.com 12 vs 12 CQ Ladder Season 3 Winner #1
- Play4BF3 PS3 8on8+4 Conquest Winner #1
- Fraggednation.com 12 vs 12 CQ Ladder Season 4 Semi Finalist
At this moment we are preparing for Battlefield 4 and keep Pernix_Pugnax Clan competing against the best teams.
Clan Dictator ( INACTIVE ) : boyfromessen90 (battlelog: girlfromessen90 )
Head Leader : Jeicey (battlelog: Jeiceyfromessen)
Leader : SoraXXS (battlelog : Sorafromessen90)
Leader : lBLACKM1LL (battlelog : BM1LL)
Leader : Arnie (battlelog: Arnoudthes)
Leader : iKinGsizE (battlelog: xFlawles5x)
Recruitment is on invite only.
Official recruiters:
SoraXXS (battlelog : Sorafromessen90)
iKinGsizE (battlelog: xFlawles5x)
If you are interested in our clan and wanna see some more of us make sure to visit our homepage:
Fraggednation.com Teamlink:
We officially stopped playing Battlefield 3 competitive
We will be back in Battlefield 4.
One Official (pp) member is not signed up on battlelog:
- marco_muppet24
(pp) Pernix_Pugnax CLAN youtube channel:
- http://www.youtube.com/user/PernixPugnaxCW
Youtube channels from members:
- http://www.youtube.com/user/Boyfromessen90
- http://www.youtube.com/user/Frozen577
- http://www.youtube.com/user/xXBadDutySV98Xx
- http://www.youtube.com/user/bossak007
- http://www.youtube.com/user/killerunknown1
- http://www.youtube.com/user/arnie345Games
- http://www.youtube.com/user/MaestroFromMars
- http://www.youtube.com/user/Cycl0n3r
- Fraggednation.com 12 vs 12 CQ Ladder Season 3 Winner #1
- Play4BF3 PS3 8on8+4 Conquest Winner #1
- Fraggednation.com 12 vs 12 CQ Ladder Season 4 Semi Finalist
Platoon feed
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