Serious Team Players
Tag: [STP] Fans: 6 Created: 2012-01-14

Platoon Presentation

We are the ones who seek a serious teamplay battle. Where you are in radio contact with everyone else on your team, and you could use some air support. We talk english and uses real army terms.
Wilco=yes, understood.
Dustoff/casevac=Casulties evacuation, where you need a black hawk to come and get you or one of your mates.
Medevac=Tactical backup with medic support.
Bombrun=Jet air support
Overflight=Attact chopper that scouts the area for enemies.
LZ=Landing zone
Heavy armour=Tank
Light armour=Humvee etc.
Standby=Stand ready
Hot=Many enemies
RPG=A missile launcher
Extraction point=Meeting point, pickup point

Platoon feed

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