Surveillance Group C.
Tag: [SGC] Web: Official website Fans: 8 Created: 2012-08-03

Platoon Presentation

Surveillance Group Contact was founded as a place for gamers of different backgrounds and different gaming platforms to play and have a good time while doing it. The name Surveillance Group Contact was created as a way to express our personal take on the online gaming community. What does it mean? It is an expression of our gaming style! We gather the intelligence needed for the required situation and make contact with Speed, Surprise, and Violence of Action! We maintain a level of integrity and commitment towards the gaming community and towards each other. We pride ourselves on being an unselfish group working together in a very organized and efficient manner.We are currently accepting members, so fill out an Application if this sounds like something you want to be a part of and you are willing to park your ego at the door!

For more about us and our History check us out Here, to see if you are the right fit for Surveillance Group Contact.

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