InXanity Striker
Tag: [inX] Fans: 7 Created: 2012-09-24

Platoon Presentation



We are the InXanity(Insanity) Striker!
If you think you're worth it to become a Striker apply!
We take everybody! Add the Founder Musti-__-370 and PSN mustapha15 and we'll play with you!


We take everybody! Stats aren't so important! But you have to be a good Teamplayer and for example revive Clanmates or heal them! And please do not T-Bag Clanmates! xD
Everyone has to wear the Clan-Tag [inX]!

┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ F*ck those T-Bag Feggets!!

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