The Real Team Cobra
Tag: [RTC] Fans: 6 Created: 2011-10-28

Platoon Presentation

1. "Hiss, Cobras, Hiss!" is the standard battle cry, though Cobras are notorious for their ingenuity and
improvisational skills. Sometimes a Cobra will be all like; "Hey, what's up?" That's cool too.

2. Cobras always mark enemies they can not destroy themselves. After the target is eliminated a celebratory
high-five is customary. Do not under any circumstances celebrate by firing your weapon into the air. Those bullets were meant for people.

3. The Cobras preferred method of transportation is the Humvee. Whenever a Humvee contains multiple Cobras
its appropriate designation becomes "Funvee". Cobras love to have fun.

4. Cobras crash helicopters into tanks whenever possible. Make sure the tank is hostile and your helicopter is
empty, otherwise things get awkward.

5. Bitches love Cobras! And Bitches who don't love Cobras are bitches. (By it's secondary definition.)

6. Cobras sometimes write Haikus:

What is a Cobra?
Like winter storm; undoes all.
That is the Cobra.

7. Cobras fight to destroy the Patriarchy.

8. Cobras love Kittens and Puppies equally. Adult varieties are treasured too.

9. Cobras always ignore the ninth point in any document.

10. The tenth, however, they follow to the letter.

11. Cobras vault over fences and low walls, even when not necessary. This is because Cobras appreciate the
novelty of seeing their own legs in a first-person shooter.

12. Cobras enjoy fighting in close proximity of each other. Not too close though, then they would run the risk of
invading each other's personal space.

13. When a Cobra is downed by an enemy, he should immediately inform the designated medic. He should not
however, give any clue as to his location. The thrill is in the chase.

14. Cobras, as previously mentioned, love Humvees. Sometimes, however, the Cobra will, through sheer
enthusiasm, crash said vehicle. When he does, he must promptly exit the vehicle, giving off the impression that
this was his plan all along. Whistling non-chalantly is advised.


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