Reddit Lab Rats
Tag: [RnD] Web: Official website Fans: 17 Created: 2011-11-08

Platoon Presentation

Hey Lab Rats: A couple of announcements here:

1. The platoon will be temporarily closed because although I know 100 or so is the limit for the platoon, we have thirty strangers here that I think we should really integrate with the group before seeking to bring in other chaps in. Plus I think 30 is more than a good number of test subjects to have.

2. There is no true planned event; we will just have some topics and hope to have some discussion threads in the subreddit to gather whatever information we have and apply it to the battlefield.

3. Tonight I plan on working on the SOFLAM, so hopefully we can figure that out. Feel free to join me or investigate with your own squad of lab rats! Expect a thread later on this evening to gather all information. FOR SCIENCE! o/

Platoon feed

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