Tag: [ShR] Web: Official website Fans: 24 Created: 2012-04-09

Platoon Presentation

Section BF3 de la ShinRa!

Mots d'ordre: Performance, convivialité, Fair-play.

TOP 2 Winter Cup CSL
TOP 2 ODC 4win #5

Palmarès: 40V / 1N /6D

4v4 Squad Rush.


04/05/2012 [UfS] Unit force Shooters 4-0
02/05/2012 [EoD] Eagle of Death 4-0
01/05/2012 [I4L] InFamouS.ClimaX 3-1
29/04/2012 [eX] Dollar$quad 2-0
25/04/2012 [ExZ] Extaz'Zone eSport 2-0
22/04/2012 [HQC] Hell's Quebec 2-0
22/04/2012 [UfS] Unit force Shooters 2-1
21/04/2012 [HvN] Heaven 4-0
21/04/2012 [Sx] xTreme skill 6-2
13/04/2012 [eX] Dollar$quad 2-0
13/04/2012 [HvN] Heaven 2-0
06/04/2012 [RE77] Real Elite77 4-0
03/04/2012 [BTK] Born to kill.reBorn 4-0
31/03/2012 [HQC] Hell's Quebec 4-1
28/03/2012 [CL] Chip Leader 2-0
24/03/2012 [Ufs] Unit Force Shooters 3-1
23/03/2012 [PDS] Tim PDS 4-0
23/03/2012 [SoC] Squad Of Chaos 4-0
19/03/2012 [Ufs] Unit Force Shooters 4-0
16/03/2012 [MKT] Millitary Kamikazing Team 4-0
14/03/2012 [LW05] Lord Of War05 4-0
12/03/2012 [KLG] KELLOGG'SSs 4-2
09/03/2012 [Asp] Aspic Venom Lethality 4-1
09/03/2012 [GERS] German Soldiers 4-0
07/03/2012 [I4L] inFamouS.Fury 4-2
05/03/2012 [CL] Chip leader 4-2
01/03/2012 [DIIR] DreadIIReflect 3-1
29/02/2012 [TTB] TacTacBangBang 4-0
29/02/2012 [eG] Evil Geniuse Avanger 4-0
26/02/2012 [Alez] Alez 4-0
26/02/2012 [KLG] KELLOGG'SSs 4-3
26/02/2012 [TnT] Tactical N' Team 4-0
25/02/2012 [LXVA] Legio XV Appollinaris 4-0
24/02/2012 [Ako] Addict killers online 4-0
22/02/2012 [FsT] Force spéciale terrestre 4-0
20/02/2012 [ImG] Imaginary Gam!ng 4-0
19/02/2012 [DT] DARKNESS 4-0


15/04/2012 [CTG] Claim To Glory 3-3


04/05/2012 [ExZ] Extazz Zone 3-2
30/04/2012 [I4L] InFamouS.ClimaX 2-1
27/04/2012 [Phx] Phenix Gaming.Lethality 2-1
17/04/2012 [KLG] KELLOGSS'ss 2-0
14/04/2012 [eX] Dollar$quad 2-1
06/04/2012 [I4L] InFamouS.ClimaX 2-0

8v8 Conquest Infantry.


13/05/2012 [SoW] Squad of War 401 - 0
07/05/2012 [B2F] Born To Frag 528 - 0
06/05/2012 [NK] Night killers 656 - 0

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