Tag: [Ltm] Fans: 16 Created: 2012-10-18

Platoon Presentation

______________________________╰☆ [↬Welcome to Letum ™↫ ] ☆╮______________________________

➸ Cʟaɴ Fouɴded - [10/17/2012]
➸ Tʀaɴsʟated ғʀom Latɪɴ to English; meaɴɪɴɢ Deatʜ, Ruɪɴ & Aɴɴɪʜɪʟatɪoɴ.
➸ We aʀe a ғuɴ, oʀɢaɴɪzed aɴd ғʀɪeɴdʟʏ oʀɢaɴɪzatɪoɴ.
➸ Ouʀ ɴumʙeʀ oɴe ɢoaʟ ɪs to win aɴd ʜave ғuɴ.
➸ We ʜave zeʀo toʟeʀaɴce ғoʀ ɪɴsuʙoʀdɪɴatɪoɴ aɴd ʀude cʀɪtɪcɪsm towaʀds fellow cʟaɴ memʙeʀs.
➸ We accept pʟaʏeʀs ғʀom aʟʟ tɪme zoɴes.

Rememʙeʀ: Reɪɢɴ teʀʀoʀ, Reɪɢɴ ʜavoc;and doɴ't ғoʀɢet...Letum ʜave it!

_______________________________[↬Leadeʀs & Recʀuɪtmeɴt↫ ] ________________________________

★ ғouɴdeʀ: collan_yomom ★

★ co-ғouɴdeʀ: NoiseMaker09 ★

We aʀe cuʀʀeɴtʟʏ ʀecʀruɪtɪɴɢ tʜe ғoʟʟowɪɴɢ:-

⇨Pɪʟots: Yes [✔] No [-]

⇨Iɴғaɴtʀʏ: Yes [✔] No [-]

⇨Taɴkeʀs: Yes [✔] No [-]
__________________________________[↬Reǫuɪʀemeɴts↫ ]____________________________________

➭ K/D: 1.20+

➭ SPM: 425+

➭ W/L: 1.50+

➭ Coʟoɴeʟ Raɴk 1 (exceptɪoɴs maʏ ʙe made)

➭ Mɪcʀopʜoɴe: Yes [✔] No [-] (ɪғ ʏou waɴt to paʀtɪcɪpate ɪɴ cʟaɴ ʙattʟes)

➭ Cʜat settɪɴɢs: (cʟaɴ battʟes) Sǫuad ʟeadeʀs oɴ team cʜat and ʀeguʟaʀ sǫuad membeʀs oɴ sǫuad cʜat. Duʀɪɴɢ ғʀee play or pʀactɪce, eveʀʏoɴe oɴ team cʜat.

➭ Actɪve oɴ battʟeʟoɢ: Yes [✔] No [-]

➭ Add aʟʟ ʟeadeʀs to PSN & battʟeʟog.

➭ Must weaʀ tʜe taɢ [Ltm] wʜeɴ pʟaʏɪɴɢ wɪtʜ cʟaɴ memʙeʀs oʀ ɪɴ cʟaɴ ʙattʟes.

_________________________╰☆ [↬Tʜaɴkʏou ғoʀ vɪsɪtɪɴɢ Letum ™↫ ]☆╮_________________________

NaughtyMaid was the best player in here before it disbanded :D

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