Ultimate Clan Arena
Tag: [UCA] Web: Official website Fans: 6 Created: 2013-07-12

Platoon Presentation

Monthly Tournament for TOP CLAN
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------July Winners * Axis and KOD*
General Gameplay

5 game-mode matches
1game-mode match per week (last week is 2 game-mode matches)
From 12am Sun-Sat 12am
Champion each week
Double-eliminating brackets (2 Loses equals elimination)
Clan with most Champion per week reigns superior as Top Clan of the month
Brackets and Tournament videos on Official Website
Game-mode matches:

CQA - Conquest Air
TDM - Team Deathmatch
Ru - Rush
CQDOM - Conquest Domination
CQI - Conquest Infantry

Sept Schedule (Mon, Thurs, Sat 6pm PST)

Week 1: CQA
Week 2: Deathmatch
Week 3: Conquest Infantry
Week 4: Conquest Air/Rush
Rules and Terms of the tournament

UCA matches will be held on UCA Server only and will be set on battlelog as official clan battle.
If you get disconnected during the match you can rejoin the server but you must IMMEDIATELY switch to your team and not spawn in or idle on the other team.

Declining or failing to accept a challenge as not showing up on server on time will result in a forefeit. Two forefeits will drop your clan from that game-mode match that week since it will equal to two loses.

Ensure have your members on battlelog and on roster beforehand. Last minute request is not acceptable. Also do not request to do match another day for any reasons esp. because you don't have your key players. If you have members then use them. No exception.

- No Shotgun
- M320 (Grenade Launcher Version)
- M320 LVG
- Mines and explosives other than grenades on objects and set on enemy base
-No base raping, No on-base activity from either side
-No Jet-ramming

Clans in Tournament and Overall Win/Lose Status:

GUTS 0-0
KOD 0-0


Platoon feed

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