rdt clan USA SE 1st
Тэг: [rdt] Веб: Официальный веб-сайт Фанаты: 72 Создано: 25.10.2011

Презентация взвода

Welcome to rdt clan for the USA SouthEast Region - 1st Platoon.
rdt clan has changed the Regions and Platoons.
Only residents of the South East USA should be in this Platoon (or USA SE 2nd Platoon).
If you are not from our area, please exit the Platoon by clicking the 'x' to the far right of your name in the member list
Other rdt clan Platoons can be found here;

You MUST enter your info in the rdt clan player list to join this Platoon. The entry form can be found at
The secret to a great Battlefield expereince with rdt clan is to friend other members in your Region.
To add people as friends on PSN
1. add members as friends here
2. look at your 'Battlefeed' in-game and press Triangle on their name
this will bring up their profile and an option to send a friend request :D

Download the app for PC, Linux, Mac, Android and iPhone at
join our M-Com / server at ps3bf3ts.dyndns.org
password: redditisfun

If you are interested in being a Platoon Leader please go here:

For more info on rdt clan, see our resource web site at;

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