[OP] Objective Pushers

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Website: www.objectivepushers.com • Erstellt: 27.02.2014

13.328.244 / 3.306.000

4013S 42M


vor 3 Monaten • 0 Like
vor 3 Jahren • 0 Like
Hey guys, how have you all been? It's been a while since I've seen some of you and some of you I've stayed in touch with. Over the past few months, a few of us took it upon ourselves to plan a big return. We miss the days of teamwork while playing Obliteration and want that camaraderie we had to make a return in BF1.

With that being said, we have been hard at work. We want OP to succeed and not be just for Battlefield 4. We want it to grow and become a proper community. So some changes have happened. We have a new emblem and a new logo. We have a new video intro. We also have a new website which I've worked on for many hours. I think this is a great foundation for a fresh start.

Some of the big changes include cutting down on the number of leaders. It makes no sense to have 16 leaders for one game. The details are still being worked out but slimming down makes it easier to make decisions. We also plan on coming up with a set of rules, some kind of standard to play by. It won't be anything too serious but for us not to be a meme platoon, this needs to happen. In the coming weeks a forum will be set up which will allow you all to voice your opinions and will let you all know once this has happened. Ident_Disc has also taken it upon himself to take control of the social side of things, he'll be the eyes and ears of OP on Facebook, Twitter and anything else we set up. We will also figure out a way of submitting videos so that they can be uploaded to the official OP YouTube channel. More information will be available as we figure this stuff out.

So there you have it. We invite you all to come and join us as we move forward with this master plan. I've already seen a few faces in BF1 but for those that haven't played yet, come and find us and good hunting. :)

Some links:

Website: http://objectivepushers.com/ [objectivepushers.com]
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/gy2xf6A [discordapp.com]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/objectivepushers/ [facebook.com]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/obj_pushers [twitter.com]
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/objectivepushers [youtube.com]
vor 7 Jahren • 1 Like
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Absolutely! The link for the discord server is up both in this post and on the site. Look forward catching up!
7 years her
Great Pass!
Nice Shot!
7 years her
It's reckless, invite please :D
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
2 / 6 Kommentare Mehr lesen
8 years her
never plays with us. when he does play he joins random server. when his on same server his against us. when on the same team he is on different squad - shehtazruslan the retard
8 years her
You guys should probably see this.... http://i.imgur.com/FA0Cruw.png [i.imgur.com]
vor 8 Jahren • 1 Like
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8 years her
translate pls
8 years her
steve pls
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
Why was I kicked from the toon? I only took a 3 month break... :P
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
We need to trim fat. How'd you get back here? xD
9 years her
Just opened 53 battle packs... mostly crap.But I got a few 200% xp boosts to go with all the other boosts I never remember to use.
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Hey how you doing fellas, FYI I want to get the word out so everyone in the community knows about these guys. APEX, formally known as CARBON have housed hackers before and still are. With that being said since shady things happen in their command who knows if the others are legit. They argue the fact that "just because one was hacking before doesn't mean the others are". The fact remains that these individuals have been known for such acts and will defend it to the vary end. I will lay proof down below including a twitter conversation between one of the founders, Xfactor, and myself. Have a nice day and pass it on. Oh and BTW I'm Henry.

Twitter convo - https://twitter.com/RKay99/status/551811275991572480?lang=en [twitter.com]
Previous CARBON Hacker - http://bf4db.com/players/13442328 [bf4db.com]
Current APEX hacker (well known hacker i.e. previous names) http://bf4db.com/players/11405418 [bf4db.com] - Recruited into APEX even though a known hacker after CARBON was disbanded for the same reason, rinse and repeat.

BTW - this is Karmas alternate account - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/9678678676786686/stats/1083111493/pc/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
I'll hack thwm
9 years her
Hello Everyone! :D
I'll keep this as short as possible!

I am Srups aka Syrup as some have seem fit too call me :P

I haven't been able too play as much as I would like due to work picking up with Christmas coming along. Living in Ireland also means I have to stay up really late too have a game with you guys, but any day / night I get off from work or any free time you can be sure I'll be online :).

Just wanted to come on and talk about that sweet map rotation, I played briefly with a few OP's tonight and wow, so many intense games it was great!. I love the fact you added Capture the Flag seeing as it is a real team based game. There was 21 players playing Obliteration Operation Locker and even though that' not a lot of players, I never played a game like that before I cannot go into details. Glad to be part of a platoon that actually loves Teamwork and communication!, I guess you guys are pretty chill too ;). I have a Headset but no Microphone so I don't bother coming on TeamSpeak until I get a headset with Microphone roughly around Christmas time I would say :).

Thanks for having me guys and see you on the Battlefield! :)
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
Haha Syrup I never knew you posted this since I never check the public forum. You are one classy fellow.
9 years her
<3 TSPoon
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
omg babe you're finally back <3
9 years her
I am no longer Apollos bitch and im disc's bottom bitch now <4
vor 9 Jahren • 3 Likes
wheres the scrim setup boys?
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
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Working on it, as soon as I get some guys to commit we can start working out a time and stuff.
9 years her
wheres the scrim man?
9 years her
anyone looking for a new member?
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Do you play on PC? We're really on a PC only platoon.
9 years her
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
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ok spoon, lets see you do better pls
9 years her
I've done better, but I never record my epic 1337 skills
9 years her
Would love to join, been playing the objective more recently and I find it extremely fun with OP.
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
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Just hop into a squad with OP members, if you have teamspeak, join us in there!
9 years her
9 years her
Check out our platoon server, =OP= 24/7 Obliteration:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e6c45a04-6cb5-4c81-9aa6-40a1f9d2cbf9/OP-247-Obliteration-Votemap-64p/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Platoon Teamspeak:

If you enjoy our server, please donate to keep it going:
https://www.nfoservers.com/donate.pl?force_recipient=1&recipient=fsyuan90@hotmail.com [nfoservers.com]

Feel free to Apply at any time, we consider all applications but we do look specifically for teamwork, communication, and a general sense of "chillness". If you're interested, hop into a squad w/ any OP member and let them know.

Leave any thoughts, comments, criticisms in the comments below. Thanks.
vor 9 Jahren • 2 Likes
Now you can use ts.objectivepushers.com to connect to our TeamSpeak server.
9 years her
hey guys, i just applied. I would really like to be part of a group that in constantly playing together and having fun while ptfo-ing. I have expierience with in game voip and other programs like mumble etc. I also love to support bf streamers and to play with them. When i am not playing with other streamers I am streaming myself. I hope you guys accept me :)
9 years her
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like