[Ax] Axios Gaming

  • Gründer
  • Leader

Alle Mitglieder ansehen (26)

Website: www.facebook.com/axiosgamingcommunity • Erstellt: 27.02.2014

2.422 / 15.000

36S 29M
Axios is a word pulled from a Greek liturgical word which describes a worthy or deserving person. It means in modern language "I am worthy." Historically, it has been exclaimed by Roman generals and repeated during religious ceremonies as a word representing one's worthiness to be initiated, but also the traits that make that individual so worthy. By proclaiming "AXIOS," the individual is also professing his honor, integrity, and valor.

As the founder of Axios, I ask very little of the members. The number one rule required is to respect other players. I don't require monthly donations, a certain amount of activity. Axios members are expected to be mature players. In order to promote the community aspect of the clan, I ask that each member uses the Teamspeak. The information can be found below. I don't require members to participate in the clan's competitive side, but it is open to any who wish to.

For any other questions, please contact myself or another leader. New members will be required to complete an interview process on our comm server. I hope to see you around the battlefield.


Teamspeak 3 Server:
Ask for password

Battlefield 4 Metro Rush server, coming soon!
Paypal information: axiosclan@gmail.com


Team Tombstone 3-7 is looking for a game, would your team like to match up? If your interested let me know.
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Sometimes at night, I hoot to myself~
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Buntch of twats :P lol
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Hey guys! Come November, we're going to kick things back up again. Stay tuned!
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
(fucking politics...)
9 years her
Hey, I was in the clan for BF3, and was wondering if I could rejoin for BF4?
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
Hey, thanks for the invite, but I don't think I'll be playing BF3 anymore. T'was fun playing with you guys. Good luck!
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
Anyone playing Bf4 at the Moment
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
Can i get permissions on teamspeak please
10 years her
Hey, to Cow1022 and XxIrkedxX; welcome to the platoon! We have a public Teamspeak that you can feel free to use (for other games besides Battlefield 4) along with a server coming online in the next month. You're welcome to remove the traditional clan tag (the one that's in brackets in front of your gamer tag) and then if you could please edit your Origin username to match the new clan tag with -Ax at the end (ex: Cow1022-Ax). PM me if you have any questions! Thanks! We look forward to playing with ya'll!
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
What is the Ts ip so i can join
10 years her
10 years her
New Member :D
vor 10 Jahren • 1 Like
woot woot
vor 10 Jahren • 2 Likes
I can finally play with you guys. Thank god.
10 years her