[BAWS] bawbags

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  • Założyciel

Pokaż wszystkich członków (9)

Stworzono: 27.02.2014

4 791 430 / 3 306 000

4 791 430
1698h 15m


hi Baws, never met any of you yet, but was wondering if you'd be up for a multiple clan competition?
already have a couple clans interested so far.
lol kimmysmaw losing the plot lmao in ur comments.
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
20 Sekunden am Server, 1 Kill gemacht ---> ban?!?!?!?!?!
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Jup die sind so bescheu.... statt einfach ein Passwort zu setzen . Kleinkinder halt.
8 years temu
Well, that was nice of you, ban me because of my clan tags? Just because I am in MAW doesnt mean I deserve that, fucking bunch of cunts. Can't believe your throwing your lot in with that shite Yogi. Very disappointed in the schoolboy behaviour. ooo I'm going to ban you because another member of the clan you are in did something to me. twats.
9 lata temu • 3 polubienia
2 / 7 komentarze(y) Więcej
p.s. we all fucked yer ma and yer bro
9 years temu
8 years temu
Lol, Kinderadmin bannt grundlos. Mittlerweile das 2. mal. Wenn ihr es nicht abkönnt zu sterben dann spielt Tetris.
Werdet erwachsen echt.

8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Children Server kicks for no reason. "If you want to be among you is a password"
Today every child gets a server it seems to me.
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to