
Ostatnie logowanie: Holandia Holandia


>> http://www.youtube.com/arnie345Games <<
>> livestream is on: http://nl.twitch.tv/arnie345 <<

"if you see my TV missle it's too late." #bf3


Proud member of Pernix Pugnax [pp] since [20-01-2013]

[18:19:53] boyfromessen90: arnie´s quoze : "boy boy boy boy boy"
[18:19:58] boyfromessen90: boy : "yes?"
[18:20:02] boyfromessen90: arnie : "hii"

Competetive gunner in BF3:
- BF3/PS3 Europe Nations Tournament 2012: Top 8
- BF3/PS3 World Nations Tournament 2012: Top 8
- Fraggednation.com 12 vs 12 CQ Ladder Season 3
#1 with [pp] pernix pugnax
- Play4BF3 PS3 8on8+4 Conquest Winner #1
- Fraggednation.com 12 vs 12 CQ Ladder Season 4 Semi Finalist
- ETT 5 wiht InTense Gaming top 4.

Treść aktualnie ukryta przez użytkownika.


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