[DeTH] Deaths Dragoons
Website: www.twitch.tv/terdgravy •
Created: 2014-02-27
26,136,071 / 3,306,000
7037h 40m
Rejoice my brothers and sisters the apocalypse is upon us. Judgement Day has come. The Dawn of DeTH has come to the One. Kill them all and let God sort out the mess. When they mess with best they die like the rest.
RangerVVI does not want 1 on 1 or is afraid )))
The camper is afraid, well, alas)
The camper is afraid, well, alas)
1 year ago • 0
If you want to play in public matches with 10+ DETH members on one team, and play vs complete noobs on the other team, or if you want to be part of a platoon that has no aspirations to ever do a match vs any other platoon then join DETH right now...All your platoon does is kick anyone that is better than you from their server, and thats why your server is no longer ever full haha...if you hate losing and want to play on a pub stacked team join DETH right now because that is all they do hahaha. Go Respawn Noobs
10 years ago • 4
2 / 3 comments
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if you expect us not to move our platoon members over to the same team to play with each other then you obviously know nothing about being in a platoon. The reason we pay for our server is to play with our platoon members. We do not "stack" our server for an advantage, nor kick anyone for being better than one of us. If you have any other complaints you should take it up with one of the leaders rather than show your ignorance to the public. Thanks.
10 years ago
Airman Welch.. Go ahead and simmer down and take a seat. Come bark up this tree bitch boy #1Up #GoRespawnNoob
10 years ago
What's up everyone i'm looking for a new platoon because my current platoons aren't as active as they used to be. Saw your platoon and it looks pretty solid so i thought i'd see if you were accepting new members. I'm 24 years old, located on the East Coast (US). I'm all about communication, plating competitivly with a positive attitude, being respectful to one another and most of all working together in organized squads with dedicated roles. I primarily play infantry however i am currently working on my piloting skills (heli). I excel most playing engineer/support but i play a assault/recon role just as well (simply feel i benefit the team more playing engi/support). That said, i'd also like to note that my stats are in no way representative of my true skill as i've played solo for months now (platoon members rarely play antmore) and i also make YouTube videos (primarily long range sniping montages/jihad jeep trolling/and stuff like that to ammuse myself) and that has without a doubt killed my stats. Anyway i'll quit being a long winded jackass you get the point lol. Hope to hear back! \m/ (-_-) \m/
10 years ago • 0
I see your still using my emblem Dealr its alright you can keep it then every time you see it you can think of me
10 years ago • 0
I just sent to apply for the platoon, I would love to be a member and play with you guys. I used to play with cpt cobain AKA (LithiumDemon) in BF3 and I've been playing a lot more BF4 recently and just wanted to see if I could join the killing with you guys
10 years ago • 0
hey dudes if someone can accept my application for deth that would be great!!! long time friend of agent price AKA Doug price
10 years ago • 0
Im from FABE and I'd like to know if you guys are interested on playing a CF against us, so far we are playing only conquest x10.
Add me on live. Belenoss
Im from FABE and I'd like to know if you guys are interested on playing a CF against us, so far we are playing only conquest x10.
Add me on live. Belenoss
10 years ago • 0
Hey, I saw your team on a Xbox one list Platoon I was wandering if your team is interested in being in touch of making a Clan Match one day?. I'm getting a Xbox One Soon and I will be creating a team also. I know how to arrange and organize clan Matches, but we need a very good team to do that. This is one of my editing and I was wandering if we can battle some day, I would say I need 1 month of experience of training my guys and we are good to battle. The only way I can only be reach is on twitter @xVSxCptSonnylab. Please tweet me if your interested.
Ok here is the link of my video I did before. But now I'm back.
http://youtu.be/EjGl5R0CpAw [youtu.be]
Ok here is the link of my video I did before. But now I'm back.
http://youtu.be/EjGl5R0CpAw [youtu.be]
10 years ago • 0
Sorry about that Jaxx....lol
You have to admit though, it looked like it was your chopper.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSQnkkTNNLQ&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]
You have to admit though, it looked like it was your chopper.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSQnkkTNNLQ&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]
10 years ago • 0
Yo what's up everyone, looking for a new platoon to give me more people to play with. Saw your platoon and i like what i see. If you're accepting new members let me know!
10 years ago • 0
I haven't played with everyone but hope to get a chance to soon. Look for me on the DeTH server. Currently prospecting.
10 years ago • 0
Big Boss is looking for a scrimmage? 16v16, 20v20 or 32v32 (preferred), conquest large. If interested, let me know.
10 years ago • 0
Love your servers. I have been playing on them since BF3 on 360. If you guys are recruiting, it would love to join.
10 years ago • 0
To anyone who I haven't met, I'm trying out for a position and hope to get a chance to play with you all. Vote for Buzz!
10 years ago • 1
like this
anyone interested in Hardline can check out my twitch page on release day! I will be getting and streaming it for those who are on the fence! It's on the official deth twitch...twitch.tv/terdgravy....come check it out!
10 years ago • 0
I just wanted to say great server you guys got going. I almost exclusively stay Dice servers because of badmins and people crying about my tank whoring. Thanks for being real cool :)
Also I apologize if I teamkill. Some times I accidentally run people over when I'm panicking from C4 guys D: (I just full speed without looking)
Also I apologize if I teamkill. Some times I accidentally run people over when I'm panicking from C4 guys D: (I just full speed without looking)
10 years ago • 1
like this
i won't pre order, just wait for feedback
http://www.polygon.com/2014/6/24/5837722/battlefield-hardline-ea-dice-broken [polygon.com]
http://www.polygon.com/2014/6/24/5837722/battlefield-hardline-ea-dice-broken [polygon.com]
10 years ago • 0