[Awe] Awesomnia

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Создан: 08.09.2014

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Just awesome and kind people! Want to join our community?
Write a short text on our platoon wall why you want to join our community or join us on Teamspeak while we are playing and you´re welcome! ;-)


Hi guys! We are announcing a Battlefield 4 tournament with a prize pool! "Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019"

Here are the main points of the upcoming event:

- Registration http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2397-registratciiaregistration/ [rubigaming.com]

- How to register to the forum for team capitan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTfFwCvDmcM&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com] ATTENTION!!! at the end we apply exactly for this tournament Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019

- The tournament will be held from September 2019 until its full completion. The exact dates will be announced later.

- We play 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL Detailed rules can be found here in this same branch , but in the other topic http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2398-rulespravila/ [rubigaming.com]
- Start will be given in the case of registration of at least 8 teams, the type of tournament grid will depend on the total number of teams.

- At our tournament there is a prize fund, not just that would be a lot of money, but remember at least one tournament in 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL where there were at least some prizes...

- The prize fund is open and any team, participant, any person can add to it some amount of money, details and all methods of transfer are listed below.

- At the moment(1.08.19) the prize fund is about 700$

- The total amount will be distributed between 1 and 2 places in the ratio of 70 to 30 and transferred to the specified team captain details.

- If you have any questions(team captains only) add http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/user/666TractoR_GG/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
4 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Go rape your own faggot face you fucking hacks
2 years назад
2 г. назад • 0 Нравится
wanna join you
4 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Ass Fragmenteed
5 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Yo to all you Silk Road lovers out there that cannot play on any server anymore (because you are banned all the time with no reason, or the lagging shit hits the fan, or there are only cheaters around, or there just aren't any more Silk Road servers anymore): Go check out our new, 24/7 Silk Road | No Rules | Fast Spawn | 1pStart server here:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/04e349f8-f6f6-4c32-93a4-e1e344fafe22/HOT-CHICKS-Silk-CQL-only-No-Rules-Fast-spawn-1p-Start/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Bookmark it! Play there! No more lags, no more rules, no more shitty admins banning you while cheaters are roaming free!

Brought to you by just a bunch of players that love Silk Road too... See you there! Tell your friends!
5 г. назад • 0 Нравится
(AWE) dnever : Fuck Cheater
7 г. назад • 4 нравится
2 / 6 коммент. Подробнее
(Awe) schattenfels ; Fuck Cheater Platoon & Game Hack.
6 years назад
(Awe) s1mple_ZuZu : Fuck Cheater & Hacker
6 years назад
TRex_dinasour very bad player, he offends others in the chat, reports it
6 г. назад • 0 Нравится
TRex_dinasour your friends list's full <3
6 г. назад • 0 Нравится
TRex_dinasour very bad player. Crying so hard, but has 0 skill.
6 г. назад • 0 Нравится
TRex_dinasour hart am flamen,dass ich aimbot und sonstige cheats am laufen hab. echt awesome euer platoon, würde mir echt mal gedanken machen wer so alles beitreten darf.
7 г. назад • 1 Нравится
Hey, looking to join, this is my second profile, im only playing lav with kd 20+ atm, on my other account im playing heli with 8k+ kills.
Want to know more? add me.
7 г. назад • 1 Нравится
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Hi can I join, I'm not that good but would like to learn from you guys.
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Hello everubody:) I'd like to join your platoon because I am big BF fan but wanted to play with a team.
Tank You a lot in advace.
Hope to play with you soon:)
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
hi guys want to do clan fight??
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Hello AWE i want to join platoon please ..
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Awesome and kind? lol every AWE player iv met have all been vehicle wh*res. far from 'awesome' and no where near 'kind'. get skill and ptfo then maybe u can call urselves awesome and kind
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
LOL killswift
7 years назад
Lol, "skilled" player with 3500 c4 bike kills. Facepalm
7 years назад
(AWE) dnever ; Fuck Dreckcheater
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Hello AWE, I would like to join your team because I am looking for friends to play this game together:)
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
7 years назад
Just got a ban from your server admin, TRex_dinasour, for cheating and got a few insults along the way. I've been playing FPS competitively since Q2 and UT and have never used cheats.
Your server admin sucks.
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
We don´t have an own server^^
7 years назад