Latest login:
Minha Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/AllanLinares/
Melhores clãs de sempre <3
Ps3: 2015-2018
Ps4: 2018
+300 CW's played in infantry, MBT, IFV and AA.
My accounts
AllanLina, xAllan-BF, yThunderBird and others...
Learderboards (Before Reset)
#1 K/D Ratio Brazil PS3(k/d 155.4)
#1 K/D Ratio World PS3
#1 K/D Ratio Brazil PS4
#2 K/D Ratio World PS4
#1 Steersman Brazil PS3(138)
Melhores clãs de sempre <3
Ps3: 2015-2018
Ps4: 2018
+300 CW's played in infantry, MBT, IFV and AA.
My accounts
AllanLina, xAllan-BF, yThunderBird and others...
Learderboards (Before Reset)
#1 K/D Ratio Brazil PS3(k/d 155.4)
#1 K/D Ratio World PS3
#1 K/D Ratio Brazil PS4
#2 K/D Ratio World PS4
#1 Steersman Brazil PS3(138)
AllanLinares is only sharing this with friends.