[LoH] Legion Of Honor

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Website: www.legionofhonorclan.com/index.php • Erstellt: 26.04.2014

4.801.757 / 3.306.000

2050S 25M
The Legion of Honor is an online videogame community for mature gamers looking to play with like-minded individuals in a strategic and respectful manner.

Many of us have been gaming together for over eight years, and our community is built around core values such as "family first", "maturity", "respect", "honor", and "discipline".

Our Roman theme and structure help us adhere to a chain of command, so that issues and concerns are addressed timely and effectively. Many of our Legionnaires are current or former members of the Armed Forces.

At its core, The Legion of Honor welcomes gamers of all types: beginners, experienced gamers looking for a solid group of people to play with on a regular basis, and competitive professional gamers as well. Our different group types are sure to tailor to your specific gaming style, as long as our core values are upheld at all times.

Our competitive groups actively participate in all major competitive gaming sites (MLG, Gamebattles, Fragged Nation, among others).

While we focus on the actual aspect of online gaming itself, on multiple platforms (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and PC), our forums and online chat area are a great place to meet and interact with other members, and our news section will keep you up to date on LoH activities and announcements, as well as gaming-related news and events.

Welcome, Citizen.


Would LOH be up for a 12v12 scrim ESL rules no friendly fire with health Regen? Best of 3? We pick siege, you pick a map, than we agree in tiebreaker.

This Sunday at 1 pm EST but we might have to have it at 4 pm est, I'll let you know by Friday :)

if yes message me on xbl i wont check here
vor 7 Jahren • 0 Like
vor 7 Jahren • 0 Like
LOH, JOKErz Platoon founder here. Just wanted to thank you for the scrimmage last night. You guys are the best bunch of assholes we've had the pleasure of playing with and against. You're welcome in our server anytime and you may see us once in a while on yours. :)
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
The Lords are looking for a Srim let me know if you accept my challenge !
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
would you want to scrim
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
Applied on website and on battlelog. When does training start
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
I'm in Geta on xbone. Can you accept my application to join on battlelog please
8 years her
I'm in Geta 360, just applying to have the Platoon on my account
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
Just applied, looking forward to playing with you guys
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
I applied here on battlelog, and made an account on your website. So what do I do now?
8 years her
Hardcore 5v5 Domination tournament hosted by www.HardcoreBattleLeague.com starting 14September2015.
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
hello guys 8vs8 add me
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
im a random here but there is a platoon with almost the exact same platoon emblem as yours except it doesn't have a black background and it doesn't have the LOH tag beside it. It has the same exact Spartan....Just to give you guys a heads-up. I don't know if you guys are affiliated with each other or not.
I've heard of LOH ever since BF3
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Hey legion! Started on BF4 and in legion with Destiny currently! Just wanted to represent in BFH!
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
can i join
9 years her
can i join?
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Go to Legionofhonorclan.com to file an application under the "battlefield request for training" tab
9 years her
hey guys, do you fancy a scrim sometime? if so add DirtyOldSmudge on xbl and come and have a chat.
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
The expectations are beyond pathetic to join here.... lol
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
Was wondering if you guys are looking for competitive players for ESB league 5v5 Domination. I just transferred over to Xbox One, use to play BF4 on PC competitively on CEVO. I have a headset and am very active.
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Myth community to finally created ..
I ask you all to join us to track Days after Days
It would be our pleasure that you help us get crowded in Communauter

If you could help us, they will suffient to apply this section thank you

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/platoons/view/6951506186274318064/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Hey guys this is Relentless from GHZ7ST looking forward to a fun match in a bit hopefully enough people will show up. If not then we should all join a server and take down some random games. I'll be on at about 2130 cst. See ya on the Battlefield.
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Hi to LoH, I would love to join your team, because I think I am the author of your level!
I present myself.
I NervouS_Sw3ggY level of 130 .2.20 racio
I'm rarely in esports but already his!
Even if I'm not just speaking but French,
A friend has left me Brutal Scipio making my team match (Nervous NvS)
We want to join you to see the real players
voila, thank you
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Just applied, looking forward to playing with a full squad.
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like