Angels of Death
Tag: [AoD] Fans: 15 Erstellt: 25.10.2011


★ Welcome to the Platoon "Angels of Death" ★

I am Unknown Rival, [Founder/Leader] of this Platoon

The Platoon Angels of Death consist of players from all over the world.

Everyone can join, so feel free to apply to join!

.Requirements to join:
-Need a mic, though this may be discussed with one of the leaders if you currently don't have one.
-Sense of Humor
-Must be active and join other members.
-Must PTFO (Play the F******* Objective)
-Make sure you aren't stats obsessive.
-Once you become a member, you must wear the AoD clan tag.

You represent your nation.
Your act is representing your nation's grade.
Act carefully and please follow the rules.

If you want to leave a message in the platoon feed, try to post it in english as far as possible.

Be sure to become a fan, and feel free to apply!

We are a new breed of soldier!


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