Tag: [TFT] Fans: 7 Erstellt: 14.03.2012



Renowned for his marksmanship alfa is deadly with a sniper rifle , "one shot one kill relocate" is the key to his success and with over 700 head shots using his trusty sv98 with his longest head shot being 957m you best keep your head down . alfa is an expert in light machine guns and can offer heavy support from a formidable range and will keep you suppressed until your taken out by another highly trained expert of the tiger force .

Tactical expert and a first class leader and our best all round soldier, his performance with any assault rifle is accurate to say the least , give socom-87 SMAW rocket launcher and he will thread it through a key hole at 400 yards you have been warned .

Unpredictable but professionally undertakes objectives with accuracy and deadly force . his dedication is second to non , strap a nuke to his back and he will run guns blazing into the enemy and press the button . although A.W.O.L at times he's a worthy soldier when fighting along side.

Dan (roadsy ) Rhoads93: found washed up on the beach of kharg island with nothing but his boots bash hat and rifle , after a briefing with socom-87 roasdy explained ejecting from his jet whilst pulling five G's tends to rip all ya gear off ! . however roadsy had a quick 1...2 check and off he went into battle fighting along side socom-87 all the way ( later that day socom confessed it was hard to concentrate with roadsy runnin n gunnin butt naked n all but hay ! he's a good shot !. hence we took him in and made him a member of the team.

Xcode (the cookie monster ) gold : again found by our team PR manager socom-87 , on operation FIRE-STORM whilst seeking cover from some incoming rounds alix ( socom-87) stumbled across a soldier sitting behind some rocks " what ya doing (alix said) get up and fight " !! yer yer will do just finishing my pack of cookies first then im having a fag . " A FAG !! " a f**king fag ! alix said , dont ya know we're being shot at !! yer yer no worries , NO WORRIES !!! NO F**KING WORRIES WE'RE GONNA DIE IN A MINUTE !!!, and with that dave (xcode gold) stood up still munching on his cookie loaded his M320 fired from the hip and took out a bunch of bad guys in one hit , dave said " now stop ya bitchin and lets crack on . he's been with us ever since .

WE ARE THE TIGER FORCE TEAM .....who are you ??


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