Tag: [|HR|] Web: Offizielle Website Fans: 35 Erstellt: 24.10.2011


Home of The HighRollerZ

A mature FPS gaming Club founded by MarcusTaz & AzBertman over a decade ago HR has grown attracting many
more like-minded gamers into a international community of fun loving friends.

Here you have found a little corner for [HR] server fans to get together, report on suspected cheaters/griefers and anyone else disrupting the fun of good players when a live admin is not around.

Team Speak/VOIP:

Use Team Speak 3 client to connect to our public TS3 server @ ts3.hrgamers.com port 9987

Thanks to MarcusTaz for donating his server resources for running the TS server.

VIP Slots Available:
Are you a regular player on this server? If so, you can be added to VIP slot for a mere $5/month donation. Here's what you get for your monthly donation:

1. One slot always available to you
2. Bypass waiting queue, including premium players :)
3. Immunity from votekicks and votebans
4. Immunity from auto balancer

VIP Disclaimer:
Just because you have VIP status, it doesn't give you the right to break our server rules. You may still be kicked/banned for offenses listed down below without refund.

Accepting donations via Paypal. You may send donations via the link on our homepage at http://www.hrgamers.com - make sure to give us your soldier name when donating.

Note: We don't sell admin privileges to anyone. All donations go toward monthly server rental fee and are acknowledged here and in game so other players know of your generosity.

Big THANK YOU to the donors:
Marcus Taz

Server Platoon Members:

This server platoon page is intended for regular server players to get together and communicate to each other. Joining this platoon does not automatically give you the right to wear [HR] tag. You have to be a member of our clan to wear [HR] tag.

You can apply to join our clan anytime at our website. Details will then be sent to your registered email address.

Ban appeals at http://www.hrgamers.com/

Server Rules (updated):
Your only warning is round start message. It's player's responsibility to take a few seconds and read these rules. You may be kicked/banned without any further warnings for breaking these rules:

1. No base raping/killing, exceptions listed below**
2. No chat spamming/trolling/griefing/preaching/advertising/recruiting or racist remarks.
3. No destroying/killing team vehicles/players.
4. No soloing in attack chopper when not in at least 2 member squad.
5. Do not use vehicles as personal rapid transit, take a full crew.
6. No intentional destruction of attack chopper or refusal to fly for any reason.
7. No spawn blocking or other behaviour that disrupts game play of others.
8. Respect admins and [HR] members, being disruptive & disrespectful will result in an instant permanent ban.
9. Do not go into enemy base for the sole purpose of stealing vehicles/jets/choppers.

**Exceptions to No Base Raping Rule:

1. You are in Jet/Chopper chasing another one back into their base.

2. You are being fired upon from within enemy base i.e. mobile anti air, sniper and/or attack chopper camping/hovering in base and shooting/fighting.


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