FoC recruits
Tag: [FoCr] Fans: 7 Erstellt: 02.02.2013


There are 4 CREATORS and FOUNDERS of this clan who include xmilhouse, MR-Bandolero, soul_clepto, and Stop_____Tolate. FoC is just a group of friends that get along and are good at what we do. We mess around and if you can't take a joke don't bother trying to get in. But no matter what we do, we always, always go for the win.Everyone in FoC is a team player and does their absolute best not to fail, so keep that in mind while out there in the field. And remember to check the page every now and then, you do not want to miss any important information.

FoCr is just a second platoon page the was created for soldiers that didn't meet FoC standards. By applying to this platoon you will be given a second chance at proving yourself worthy to be in FoC.

During your time and service as FoCr it is required of you to spread the word about FoC. Try to recruit as many people as possible. But recruit soldiers above the rank of colonel and that have mic's. Or soldiers of lower rank of a colonel but a high spm and kdr are also welcome.

Graduation will depend on if the leaders of FoC see improvement in your skills on the battlefield.
Anyone below a colonel 20 will not even be considered until your a colonel 20 or above.

Upon entering FoCr your spm and kdr does not matter. But as stated before we need to see improvement. Add a couple of the FoC leaders and/or members to get your name put out there within FoC that way people will notice you.

Also, come check up on the platoon page to see if there are any comments or events happening that you don't want to miss out on.


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