Tag: [Skag] Fans: 3 Created: 2011-10-25

Platoon Presentation

Welcome Future Skags and Skaggettes,

So you are thinking about joining, well here are some of the things we offer:

-Fun. You need fun correct? who doesn't like fun?
-Mic communication, Thats right folks, we chat it up. Tactical communication and much much more.
-We run all hours of the day and night.
-You need help getting an achievement, a badge, an award? Well we will help you with that.
-You suck at BF3 or Your the Gods gift to the Headshot? We don't care. We are the Island of Misfit Platoons and we want you.
-We run "Knife Parties"! Yes it's true, we will stab the heck out of some folks without firing a shot.

So if you are down for a bit of Bullets, Knives and Death. Then Join Up.

and remember, Never turn your back on a Skag.
-Team Skag

So Say We All.

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