Tag: [JKS] Web: Official website Fans: 158 Created: 2011-10-26

Platoon Presentation

Once upon a time, Jokers Gaming was a social and fun clan for 18+ gamers. We played BF2142, BC2 and BF3. Things were great: The food was plentiful, the booze was cheap (genuine 1970's prices), and the women were of questionable moral standards.

Then along came Battlefailed 4 and killed everyone we ever knew or loved.
So now we sift through the ashes, trying to put our shattered lives back together as best we can.

As such: Jokers are currently (and pointlessly) recruiting for Battlefield 4, and praying that Battlefield 5 is less of a soul destroying mess.

So, raise your glasses with me: Here's to the death of battlefield as a series!
Come check us out at if you're like us, and just want to watch the world burn.

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