Tactical Combat Group
Tag: [TCG] Web: Official website Fans: 31 Created: 2011-10-29

Platoon Presentation

TCG is currently recruiting active, friendly, fun-loving players who can work together with others as part of a team. We usually play Conquest game modes, and from time to time may play other modes.

Most clan members are from North America, however we welcome players from all over the world. We have our own 32-slot 'Orange Bowl' server which we regularly play in. The clan is led by the TCG Council (headed by Rizzo - clan leader) which manages the clan.

*Age: 15+
*No K/D requirements - willing to learn
*Willing to work as part of a team
*Access to TeamSpeak (free VOIP application) - Must logon after application is sent on Battlelog
*Microphone is essential
*You must add [TCG] tags to your Profile upon joining TCG

All members must have TeamSpeak 3, a free VOIP application that allows you to communicate with other members or listen to others if you don't have a microphone.

Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is ts43.gameservers.com:9167
You can download TeamSpeak at http://www.teamspeak.com

You can APPLY by going to our Platoon page and clicking Join clan. After applying, you MUST log on to TeamSpeak for your application to be accepted.

TCG PLATOON PAGE: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241017131521/

Good luck!
If you need any help, feel free to add as a friend one of our members and they will help you!

TCG PLATOON PAGE: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241017131521/

If your're interested in joining TCG, post your interest below! We warmly welcome all new members!

Platoon feed

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