Unknown Team eSports
Tag: [UnQ] Web: Official website Fans: 11 Created: 2012-11-10

Platoon Presentation

#1st place in the Tournament Conquest CUP 8x8 ForusBF.
#1st place in the Tournament Union Clan Squad Rush 4vs4.
#1st place in the Squad Rush 4on4 LFRM league
#2st place Redjkee in the VK Tournament Heli Battle 1vs1
#3st place in BF3 Infantry FBF 2on2 ESL Cup #3
#3st place in BF3 Infantry FBF 3on3 Fun Cup #1

СЮДА ЗАЯВКИ ДЛЯ ВСТУПЛЕНИЯ НЕ ПРИСЫЛАТЬ, ВСЕ КТО ХОЧЕТ ВСТУПИТЬ, ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ ВО ВЗВОД ДЛЯ ФАНАТОВ! - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/platoon/2832655241236556306/

This application for entry can not be sent, all who want to join, welcome to the squad for the fans - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/platoon/2832655241236556306/

►Пенза - Penza
►Москва - Moscow
►VK group - http://vk.com/unknownteamespo
►Stream - http://ru.twitch.tv/exdeeztv

Platoon feed

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