Tag: [OMGA] Fans: 6 Created: 2013-01-13

Platoon Presentation

"Honestly there's nothing better than a good game of BF3"

-We are a platoon aiming to make a top notch team of players, who will not only work together, but invest friendship in one another.
We will only take those who are willing to be serious when need be, and will NEVER disrespect or put down others. We are a team before anything, and we will always try our best when it comes to clan battles.

-I'm never usually very aggressive or competitive. However, when I'm with a group of player who communicate my composed self is out the door. I still retain my ablity to respect other players, but I will call out orders that I expect followed when we are in a crunch. Never expect any true hostilities from me, NEVER.

-Meetings will be announced on the page and through other means of communication when necessary.

-Communication is KEY in this platoon. If you can not communicate through the following mediums then your application is at risk of denial:
*Battlelog Com-Chat

-Once enough members are reached we will agree on our main medium of communication.
-Those contributing will always be recognized for their work.
-Our biggest goal? BECOME THE BEST
-Youtube page:

Platoon feed

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