Tag: [sMu] Web: Official website Fans: 3 Created: 2013-02-25

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Special Mission Unit

*sMu* SERVER's

SpecialMissionUnit.Net <Caspian|1000 Tickets|Fast Vehicle>

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The Special Mission Unit (sMu) is a freshly minted club as of 2013. The sMu Founded with the "Tactical" or "Combat" mindset for the mature player. We are currently actively recruiting personable, well rounded, and dedicated individuals over the age of 18 to join our various ranks. At this time we will be accepting new members and placing them in regular or leadership roles.


Welcome to *sMu*’s platoon page. Besides our webpage (www. SpecialMissionUnit.Net), we’re utilizing this “Platoon” as one of our recruiting tools. Most likely you found this page via an Invite, or you saw that we were recruiting on one of our servers. Regardless of how you ended up here if you’re interested in joining *sMu* feel free to join this Platoon, and follow the steps below.

We consider sMu to be more of a “Club” then a Clan. We do not have any abnormal rules such as playing a specific amount of hours, scoring certain amount of points, or that you must always be on our server. We understand that we all have personal lives, and that gaming should be a relaxing outlet. So if you play 1 hour a month, or 100 hours a month either way we would be happy to have you aboard.

All we ask is:
1) Play with the Golden Rule under consideration. Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.
2) Check our website from time to time.
3) Log into TeamSpeak when it’s convenient for you.


We encourage you to sign up on our webpage, and fill out an application.


Anyone is welcome to join our TeamSpeak Server:
TeamSpeak: lax.eoreality.net:9990
Password: recon

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