Phil Integ Spec Ops
Tag: [₱ISO] Fans: 7 Created: 2013-04-11

Platoon Presentation

We are an Alliance made up from the platoons:
Golden Eagles, PNOi=Hardcore ^^, Ring of Fire-United and Filipino BF3 Group.

We are men of Precision, Coordination, and Strength.

We will step up when others don't.

We change the tide of war.

We are like the wind that flows through a stream of bullets.

We take pride and honor in our team whether winning or losing.

Teamwork our backbone and cooperation our mastermind.

We fight for all countries in this platoon. But we still call it ₱ISO because it's so epic XD

We are the Phil Integ Spec Ops

Join now!
Requirements are loyalty, discipline, respect, teamwork and knows how to take orders.

Platoon feed

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